
  • iOS, Android, .NET, Blazor, Tailwind

Vaskehjelp is a marketplace that connects cleaning personnel and customers and takes care of payment and other paperwork. With good help from KodeWorks, Vaskehjelp has created mobile applications for iOS and Android natively and an online store.

The know-how and method of conduct as a customer or a service provider in the cleaning industry can be challenging. There is much consideration to be aware of with a confusing market with complicated rules and a great deal of illicit workforce. Vaskehjelp had the idea of creating a platform to ease the process for both the customer and the service provider to connect, make arrangements and, at the same time, be profitable.

Peter Ringset joined KodeWorks in 2021, but we already knew him well from the time at Vaskehjelp, where we worked on a project together. Vaskehjelp is a marketplace that connects professional cleaners and customers, and they offer a unique approach to digitizing cleaning services. Peter is here to tell us a bit about what it was like working on this project.

After trying different solutions for their web application, KodeWorks was brought on board during the summer of 2018. Vaskehjelp was already underway with the web app development and had grand ambitions of getting their solution on the market in the not too distant future.

The best part of working with the Vaskehjelp application was seeing how much we achieved in a short amount of time and that feeling of accomplishment that emerged from collaboration. Especially when we worked towards the release date, it was satisfying to see how the pieces fell into place.

- Peter Ringset

Together with the team at Vaskehjelp, the developers then entered an intense period, where well-thought priorities ended in releasing the application before Christmas the same year.

Together with the team at Vaskehjelp, the developers then entered an intense period, where well-thought priorities ended in releasing the application before Christmas the same year.

The biggest challenge we faced was the time we had to deliver. We wanted to get a lot done relatively quickly, with only a few months from starting fresh with an entire crew until the first version was released. Like most projects with intense final days, the intensity of the work increased as we moved toward the release date. Luckily, the team was communicating excellently. We made agile prioritizations, enabling us to arrive at the release date with a well-functioning application.

- Peter Ringset

After the release of the first version, KodeWorks continued the work with Vaskehjelp. They became a source of continuity regarding the improvement and expansion of the App. The combination of Vaskehjelp setting high goals and providing market analysis with the developers' competence became the key to creating and further developing the product.

The people in Vaskehjelp were experienced in analytics and looking at usage data extracted from the App. By looking at how it was being done, I learned a lot about it myself, using the insight from data to improve both the App and the service itself.

- Peter Ringset

The Android and the iOS application was developed natively for their respective platforms to adopt the platforms' look and feel. Over time, Vaskehjelp has utilized the .NET platform for its complete solution. Using Xamarin for app development and Blazor for web development, Vaskehjelp achieves the reuse of business logic. At the same time, it uses core competence in C# to develop and maintain the complete solution.

Vaskehjelp continues to be a central player as a cleaning service platform, and KodeWorks says thanks for the opportunity to be a part of the commercialization of an inspiring startup.

Developer Team at Vaskehjelp